Labour Welfare Funds
We provide the following services in compliance with the provision of Labour Welfare Funds:
Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to Labour Welfare Fund.
Preparation and submission of notice of opening establishment with welfare commissioner
Intimating the time-to-time changes of the details of establishment to the welfare commissioner
Depositing contribution to labour welfare funds on behalf of establishment
Preparation and submission of statement of employer’s contributions and employees’ contributions with Welfare Commissioner
Preparation & Maintenance of various registers like register of wages, register of unclaimed wages, register of fines etc.
Preparation & submission of periodical returns to the Welfare Commissioner
Preparation & submission of extract of registers to the Welfare Commissioner
Replying & satisfying show cause notice issued by the Inspector/Welfare Commissioner
Representing establishment before the Inspector
Assistance to the establishment at the time of inspection and search of any premises by the Inspector
Representing establishment at the time of enquiries conducted by the Inspector